
Monday, March 23, 2015

Under Construction Update

Lots going on behind the scenes in my life and the blog.  Mainly my life, but  the blog too.  And it's good, as in I feel a little guilty to be having this much fun.

The "newish" blog is just about done.  Not fair to leave without a hint --  you'll see what I've been up to on April 1 .....


  1. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful craftiness.

  2. Glad life is going well. Can't wait to check out things on the 1st. Hope it's not an April Fool's joke!

  3. I've really missed your blog but so happy to hear you've been having fun. A good way to re-charge those batteries. Hmmm, April 1st? Hopefully no April Fools joke on us. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

  4. I was wondering where you have been! I thought exactly as others re April Fool's Day. Looking forward to what you have in store for us :-)

  5. Hey - great to hear an update! Glad all is well!

  6. I can't wait! What a teaser! I know I'll love it!

  7. Glad for a happy update. I'm keeping on my blog list.


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